Databases are eb interfaces for browsing and downloading of data produced by national and international Institutions (Invalsi, Unioncamere, Eurostat, Oecd). and OECD countries, and territorial analysis (up to the regional level) a


and disseminates international statistical (as well as geospatial) data originating from ESPON projects as well as other regional databases such as Eurostat, 

Its mission is to provide high-quality statistics for Europe Eurostat is in maintaining more differentiated data (groundwater, surface water, regional breakdown), but coverage is not yet considered sufficient. For the interpretation it should be taken into account that water productivity is strongly influenced by the economic structure and the proportion of water intensive industries. Retrieval and analysis of Eurostat open data with the eurostat package. R Journal 9(1):385-392, 2017. R package version 3.7.1. URL: We are grateful to all contributors, including Daniel Antal, Joona Lehtomäki, Francois Briatte, and Oliver Reiter, and for the Eurostat open data portal!

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Eurostat is in maintaining more differentiated data (groundwater, surface water, regional breakdown), but coverage is not yet considered sufficient. For the interpretation it should be taken into account that water productivity is strongly influenced by the economic structure and the proportion of water intensive industries. Eurostat, the statistical database of the European Union, publishes detailed economic data each year to compare living standards in each EU region, with the latest figures showing the 2019 situation. According to the analysis of Növekedé, Budapest is ahead of several important Western European cities, such as Berlin and Vienna. However, there are several questions […] Annual detailed data since 1995 by PRODCOM list (NACE/rev.2) Sold production, exports and imports (DS-056120): Total production (DS-056121) The IMF publishes a range of time series data on IMF lending, exchange rates and other economic and financial indicators. Manuals, guides, and other material on statistical practices at the IMF, in member countries, and of the statistical community at large are also available. Consultar estadísticas oficiales de la UE (PIB por habitante, población total, tasa de desempleo, etc.) y acceder a sondeos del Eurobarómetro.

Eurostat's regional statistics are stored in its public database, more specifically in   Jan 6, 2021 Eurostat's Regional and Urban Data Single access point to Eurostat's activities in regions and cities statistics.

Countries that is part of the NUTS nomenclature or Eurostat's statistical regions for EFTA and candidate countries, have a regional variable that is possible to 

General and regional statistics. European and national indicators for short-term analysis. Business and consumer surveys (source: Population density by NUTS 3 region [Eurostat/demo_r_d3dens] Population on 1 January by age group, sex and NUTS 2 region [Eurostat/demo_r_pjangroup] Since the mid-1980s, Member States of the WHO European Region have been reporting essential health-related statistics to the Health for All (HFA) family of databases, making it one of WHO’s oldest sources of data.

Eurostat regional database

Apr 2, 2021 FAOSTAT provides free access to food and agriculture data for over 245 countries and territories and covers all FAO regional groupings from 

The following major changes should be noted: Europa 2021-3-24 · Data sharing and visualization platform for European cities and regions 2021-2-1 · R Tools for Eurostat Open Data: regional data This rOpenGov R package provides tools to access Eurostat database, which you can also browse on-line for the data sets and documentation. For contact information and source code, see the package website.

>>> import eurostat >>> toc_df = eurostat. get_toc_df >>> toc_df title data end 0 Database by themes 1 General and regional statistics 2 European and national indicators for short-ter.. 3 Business and consumer surveys (source: DG ECFIN) 4 Consumer surveys (source: DG ECFIN).. 9860 Enterprises that provided training to develop /..
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Eurostat database: online catalog and bulk download facility. Eurostat nomenclatures: RAMON metadata. Eurostat Interactive Data Explorer: Data Explorer.

The figures are in millions of nominal euros, purchasing power standards and purchasing power standard per capita. The data are disseminated by Eurostat in on-line database in four sub-domains:Air Transport measurement - PassengersAir Transport measurement - Freight and mailAir Transport measurement - Traffic data by airports, aircraft and airlinesAir Transport measurement - Data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS).
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The European Regional Database provides disaggregated data for European sub-state regions, covering multiple indicators of growth, convergence, competitiveness and demography. Coverage is …

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) Examples. Description. Eurostat regional statistics contain country, and various regional level information. In many cases, for example, when mapping, it is useful to filter out national level data from NUTS2 level regional data, for example. 2014-1-1 EUROSTAT: Smuggling of Migrants Introduction.

Eurostat Dataset Id:lmp_ind_actsup The labour market policy (LMP) database was developed and maintained by Eurostat till 2013. From 2014, the LMP database is developed and maintained by European Commission's Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and LMP data are disseminated by Eurostat.

Vi skulle vilja visa dig en beskrivning här men webbplatsen du tittar på tillåter inte detta. Database The navigation tree is loading The javascript feature of your browser needs to be enabled in order to access to the full feature enabled navigation tree. The European Regional Database is created by Cambridge Econometrics, based on data from Eurostat, the European Commission's AMECO database (DG ECFIN) and other international sources. The Eurostat Regional Yearbook is at this link. 19/04/2021 Production in construction down by 2.1% in euro area and by 1.6% in EU. In February 2021 compared with January 2021, seasonally adjusted production in the construction sector decreased by 2.1% in the euro area and by 1.6% in the EU, according to first estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. REGIO database A wide range of data at regional level is supplied to Eurostat by Member States and candidate countries, as far as possible according to harmonised methodologies.

May 12, 2017 The database facilitates environmental analysis by incorporating regional population size from Eurostat) and (b) per capita household carbon  Mar 12, 2019 This database contains for the period 1990–2017 for 1625 regions within 161 Eurostat data for mean years of schooling was available for  ECLAC has developed a number of information systems related to economic and social development in the Latin American and Caribbean region.